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Workshops & Cafe 3 Nov (Fri) 13:00-17:00​

Mind Over Matter

Growth is All You Need

by Bob Ishida

We live in two worlds. Both the outer world and the inner world simultaneously.

The outer world is objective while the inner world is subjective. In other words, the outer world is made of matter while the inner world is made of thought.


Most of us live our life by allowing our outer world to control our inner world.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way because these two worlds are separated.

The even more fascinating truth is that we can control our outer world by using our inner world. This is what super successful people such as Ichiro, Masa Son, Arnold Schwarzenegger have been doing to archive their big successes.

Especially for those:

who want to make one’s life the best version possible by understanding one’s own mind and its role in one’s life.

Also, participants will get insights by studying super successful people such as Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bob Ishida

Belong: The Champions TMC, Gunma TMC

Bob is the finalist of D76 Int’l Speech Contest in 2013 and 2015. He is an entrepreneur and issued the book titled ‘It’s not about the money’ by Bob Proctor.

Who is he?

 Bob is a man of commitment.

 I know him over 5 years, but he has never spoken in Japanese in front of me. That’s because he has a strong commitment to improve his English communication skill. This attitude inspires me.

 In this workshop, Bob will share his knowledge of how our mind affects our real life, and how powerful it is to control our mind to actualize our highest potential.


Comments written by CB Kobayashi/WS Producer

Edited by Chiaki Takayama/WS Logistic Leader



Listening skill makes your whole life attractive

by マーサ草刈




A good speaker is a good listener.  While public speaking is focused on during toastmasters meeting, it is very effective to listen to what other says in order to build up better relationship.

In this workshop, I would like to share how we can please others by weighting on listening to others through the exercise.

Join this workshop, listen each other and have a good feedback.  Let’s improve your listening skill and communication skill as well.





The WS is designed for those who:

Speak only on yourself unintentionally; are good at speaking but not in listening; want to enhance your attraction with listening to others closely.

草刈 正子(マーサ)




2015年トーストマスターズインターナショナル 日本語スピーチコンテスト優勝



The instructor is:

Very active and curious. Martha shows us how important learning positively is.  Martha, who brings learning into play in her practical life, is encompassed with lots of smiles always.



Chances are that Martha will convey lots to us because she deeply realizes the power of listening through debate, ???? and close listening process as well as the importance of those.

She is really willing to get accross to us what humor makes people smile.  A hint for that will be presented by her in terms of "listening" in this work shop.

  Comments written by CB Kobayashi/WS Producer

Edited by Chiaki Takayama/WS Logistic Leader



by ずぼらーず





DTM取得プランニング、難関の攻略法に加えて、新教育プログラム「Pathways」についてのアンバサダーによる解説も実施予定! ※都合により、Pathwaysの詳細解説はなくなりました。











Comments written by CB Kobayashi/WS Producer

Edited by Chiaki Takayama/WS Logistic Leader



Anger management

by Aiko Suda

Anger is an emotion that is common to every person.

Feeling angry is nothing wrong, but the way to express anger may be wrong.

You can learn simple tips to control your anger and to communicate with others better in this workshop.

・What is anger?  ・How does anger emerge?  

・What sorts of emotions are associated with anger?

・Group work to share participant’s own irritated experiences and to find what “should” lie behind them

・Tips to control impulsive rage that often turns out to be a regret or a sense of guilty

・Group work to cooperate with those who have different senses of value

Especially for those:

who have ever regretted or felt guilty after you got angry in business and in private, who you do not easily forget when someone does you wrong, or who feel inwardly annoyed when family and/or friends do not comprehend your needs, and so on.

Aiko Suda

Belong: Aoyama Lunch TMC

Professional Anger Management Consultant

Who is she?

Have you ever felt frustrated and got angry with communication at work, at home or … in Toastmasters?

I have never seen Aiko getting angry or going crazy in any situation.  

She is always calm and willing to support others with her friendly smile.  Now, I know the reason why.

She teaches Anger Management to nearly 3000 participants including corporate trainings, training for brand-new teachers at public schools, and parents in raising children.

It’s our privilege to be able to learn about how to control our emotion from Aiko, Professional Anger Management Consultant.

Comments written by CB Kobayashi/WS Producer

Edited by Chiaki Takayama/WS Logistic Leader

~to create better life in business, in private and even in Toastmasters activities!




by バッハ 多仁愛 

(Tanja Bach)


Number of visitors to Japan tends to skyrocket nowadays, especially along with Tokyo olympic game in 2020 approaching.  What if you are asked questions below by a foreigner like me?


I am here Japan for sightseeing.  Where should I go for it?


What do you suggest me to do first in Japan?


What is the best suvenior you recommend?


What part of Japan facinates me do you think?


Now what is your answer?


In this session, through table topics popular among toastmasters coming from the all over the Japan wide, I would like you to inform us of a wide variety of attractive parts of Japan that you think while I, a Swiss, introduce attractive Japan I discovered.


want to try table topic under

 バッハ 多仁愛 (Tanja Bach)
所属クラブ:青山ランチTMCに所属当時、2012年、D76 論評コンテスト、ファイナリスト





Comments written by CB Kobayashi/WS Producer
Edited by Chiaki Takayama/WS Logistic Leader


Diversity Empathy Leadership

by Paul Malone

What does it mean to embrace diversity? Is it simply building a team of men and women, old and young, different nationalities and backgrounds? 


Many of you have already discovered that assembling a team of diverse people and backgrounds is the easy part. The real challenge is making that team function productively.


In this workshop – Diversity Empathy Leadership – you will gain practical keys to avoiding the pitfalls that a leader of a diverse team must navigate in order to take full advantage of the true promise of diversity.

Especially for those:

Who are eager to be successful leaders of diverse teams of people. The secret is empathy, ability to put yourself in another person’s position and try to gain an emotional understanding of that person’s journey and how it shapes their opinions and behavior. However, can you beef up your level of empathy? I believe you can.

Paul Malone

Belong: Shibuya TMC, Nakano TMC, Tokyo Rainbow TMC and Ginza TMC

He has been toastmastering for 8 years.

He has held the office of President three times and has also been an Area and Division Governor.

In 25 years as an educator, he has dealt with students and colleagues from around the world.


Who is he?

Do you remember his impressive speech in the District 76 Speech Contest this spring? The speech title was ‘The Bridge’. When I listened to it, I thought he became a true leader.

As a member of the audience, I felt I wanted to hear more from him.

Now, we are so lucky to have this opportunity to learn about Diversity, Empathy and Leadership with Paul!

Comments written by CB Kobayashi/WS Producer

Edited by Chiaki Takayama/WS Logistic Leader




by 江星 建太










江星 建太 

所属クラブ:Tokyo ESS 、Fantasista、Utage Toastmasters Club








Comments written by CB Kobayashi/WS Producer

Edited by Chiaki Takayama/WS Logistic Leader


Sew & Sow 人生の種まきと刈り取りワークショップ

by 小林 みゆき

このワークショップの基となっている「SEW & SOW」は、セルフエスティームワークショップ(自己肯定感)&セルフアウトプットワークショップ(自己実現)の頭文字です。また、Sewは縫う→ 心のほころびを縫い合わせ、Sowは種をまく→次のステップに種をまく、という思いが込められています。

今回は、SEW & SOWワークショップの中の『セルフエスティーム(自己肯定感)を高める』ためのイントロダクションと『人生をもっと楽に、そして幸せを実感して生きるためのコツ』をいくつかのワークを通して考えていただきます。積極的参加型のワークショップです(笑)。ワークショップに来る前より少しでも元気に、あるいは幸せを感じてお帰りいただけるような時間を共有しましょう。

私をTMに導いてくださった井上敏之さん、このプログラムを一緒に考案した Ann Sadoさんに感謝を込めてこのワークショップを実施させていただきます。



小林 みゆき

所属クラブ:Aoyama Lunch





Comments written by CB Kobayashi/WS Producer

Edited by Chiaki Takayama/WS Logistic Leader


D76で初めての大胆な企画!~Bigger, Better, Bolderな挑戦

The Entertainment Cafe Geyser!


















Café Open time:  12PM頃-5PM 


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