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Mariko Kanemoto
Japanese Keynote
"A Gift from Patch Adams: Serious Times Call For Humor! "
3 Nov (Fri) 9:30-10:00
After 18 years as private kindergarten teacher in Tokyo, and 10 years as visiting caregiver, Mariko Kanemoto currently supports medical and welfare workers and educators mainly as a caring coach.
A depression developed as a result of the death of her favorite grandmother when she was in her thirties. At the times she felt that she had lost her balance between the mind and body, she met Dr. Patch Adams who was made famous in the American movie "Patch Adams." It turned into a turning point in her life. Starting with a clown tour in Russia in November 2003, She along with Patch Adams visited various hospitals and medical facilities such in China, Tibet, Italy, Ecuador, the USA. She had been involved with Patch Adams as he helped organized clowns from all over the world, including Japan.
Mariko Kanemoto is currently spreading clown activities in Japan. She is also the main representative of Clown One Japan. This group visits elderly facilities, hospitals, child care facilities, and affected areas nationwide. Seminars, lectures and workshops done by Kanemoto-san and Clown One Japan use clown-like communication and Adler-style coaching methods. More than 800 people, including beauty specialty schools, medical students, NPO groups, medical and welfare workers, etc., are participating in these events. In addition, she started "Clown Ambassador in April 2016 for medical and nursing care facilities." More than 100 people have participated from all over the country. She is now trying to train clowns that can perform even in the areas of medical care, nursing care and education.
HP (Japanese)
Darren Tay
Workshop:"Keeping the Audience At The Edge of Their Seats"
2 Nov (Thu) 19:00~ 20:30
In the interactive and signature Masterclass of the youngest Asian World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren will be sharing behind-the-scenes strategies with participants on how to achieve quantum leap in their effective communication endeavors.
Darren will be sharing on the following:
1. An 8-step blueprint on how to keep the audience at the edge of their seats
2. How to create that killer elevator pitch
3. How to turbo-charge your impromptu speaking skills.
English Keynote: "Facts Tell; Stories Sell, But Only If You Narrate It Well"
4 Nov (Sat) 15:00-16:00
Darren Tay is the first Singaporean to win the World Championship of Public Speaking. The 28 year old lawyer and World No. 1 in Public Speaking is the Managing Director and Master Trainer of the Public Speaking Academy (, a company which he founded in 2009. Darren launched his first book "Express to Impress" in 2012 which subsequently became the best-selling book in Singapore. Darren is an international, award winning speaker who specialize in topics of confidence building, increasing one's influence and persuasive skills. Having spoken to more than 100,000 in his career as a professional speaker, Darren Tay is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, coach and trainer ( He is an inspiration to many youths worldwide that excellence in effective communication can be achieved with the right techniques and strategies.

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